Do you ever get that sensation that you don't quite feel well and possibly feel the need to throw up but you're not sure why because you felt absolutely fine a few hours ago?
Just me then?
I have lots of work to do today, work I was planning on starting several hours ago. And lots of work should be taken as reading Alien Ocean, of which I am on page 1. I'm also going out in an hour or so to go and speak to my film tutor from last term and ask about why my essay mark was changed from 72 to 68, because 4 marks is actually quite a lot. But H and I are planning on staying out until we get bored so we can try and avoid peak travel costs, so I won't have a lot of time today in which to continue reading. So why am I wasting time?
Because I feel sick and it's distracting.
I wouldn't even mind if I knew the reason, because then I could try and fix it. But I don't, so I can't. So I'm having a mini rant here, sorry.
And I have to go and talk to my dissertation supervisor tomorrow about my dissertation. I am most definitely not looking forward to it - the draft has to be in in under two weeks and this is the first time I'll be talking to him about it, and I'm essentially at the stage of "I have no idea what I'm doing". And it's not like I even have the time to figure it out, because I have so much to get done! (And yes, I know, I'm not doing the things I need to get done, I'm ranting here. I know that's extremely productive.)
I cannot wait for university to be over. But then I would like to go back to university please. I'm not ready to be a grown-up yet.
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